The Italian contribution to the
world's largest particle physics
research project at CERN, Geneva
Pages 148 - Pictures 350
Size 240 x 240
ISBN: 9788886116-930
Euro 50,00
Italian and English text
ContentsCERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) in Geneva is the largest nuclear physics laboratory in the world, where scientists from twenty countries have spent decades studying the particles that constitute matter, through a series of international programs. In 2008, a new series of experiments was launched to understand fully the nature of elementary particles and "dark matter". This opened unprecedented opportunities to understand both the forces that hold together the matter of which we are made and the Universe's origins and evolution.
This internationally prominent project, one of the most spectacular undertakings in the history of science and an extremely potent drive for industrial innovation, culminated in constructing the giant Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the largest "particle accelerator" in the world. The 27-km long underground ring is equipped with highly sophisticated sensors that can measure subatomic particle collisions with a precision hundreds of thousands of times greater than that of normal microscopes.
A fascinating photographic survey describes the essential phases of constructing the colossal equipment to perform the four main experiments. It is enriched by a sophisticated, experimental graphic design and the stories of the Italian scientists from the INFN (National Institute of Nuclear Physics), who made vital contributions to the project and constructing the LHC.
The book is completed by descriptions illustrating the important contribution that Italian companies made to this major project, demonstrating Italy's competitive capacity for excellence in the most important technological undertakings in Europe.
INFN texts: Roberto Petronzio, Pierluigi Campana, Sandro Centro, Maria Curatolo, Marcella Diemoz, , Eugenio Nappi, Marco Paganoni, Lucio Rossi, Walter Scandale, Romeo Bassoli.
Edited byDott. Arch. PhD. Federico Brunetti.
- former visiting Professor in Laboratory of Drawing at Politecnico di Milano (1998-2005), he partecipates to scientific activity of In.D.A.Co. Department.
Professor of Fotografia e Architettura at Accademia di Brera (from 2007- ongoing ).
- Photographer of Architecture for visual representation, analysis, communication of the project within the research on the image, design, territory and urban landscape.
Recent studies and publications concern the representation methodologies in scientific research, (Firenze UNESCO 2005, Trieste CF2007), and specially about the LHC experiments at CERN in Geneve and italian collaboration of INFN (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare).
Events (Milano gioved� 21.01.2010) Presentazione
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